Lola Jaymes with cherished family heirlooms.

More Than Just a Name

Lola Jaymes Fox nicknamed LJ made her grand entrance into this world at 12:23p.m. on July 13th, 2020. She weighed 5 pounds 7oz and was 19.5" long. She must have been in a hurry to meet her family considering her sweet mama Emmalee was only 35 weeks along when Lola was born. Despite being a few weeks early Lola was healthy and ready to take on the world. Many years earlier in 1917 to be exact another Lola had already made her grand entrance. This was Lola Jessie. This Lola was little LJ's Great Great Grandmother, and her namesake. Names are perhaps the most precious mementos of all handed down beautifully for generations. Names have significance, they can define us and bring us meaning. When little LJ grows into a woman she will often be reminded of the Lola that came before her just by the sound of her very own name. She will know her name isn't just any name its a precious heirloom passed onto her with love by the Great Great Grandmother who is undoubtedly guiding her from above. The name will always connect the two in a way outsiders may not be able to comprehend. In Filipino Lola means Grandmother which I cant help but think is more than a rare coincidence considering sweet LJ's mama had no idea of the names meaning.

Baby Lola pictured with family heirlooms that once belonged to her great great grandmother Lola Jessie.

The Heirlooms

In the photo above baby Lola is pictured clutching two cherished family heirlooms. A beautiful white and blue handkerchief and a lovely gold locket that once belonged to her great great grandmother Lola Jessie. Both items have been passed down from generation to generation within the family and will someday belong to baby Lola. Lola Jessie wore that very locket around her neck during World War II. Carefully placed inside the locket is a photograph she placed there long ago of her beloved husband, baby Lola's Great Great Grandfather. In the photograph Great Great Grandpa Hoffman is wearing his military uniform. The two were married right before he traveled overseas to fight in the war. I imagine that locket was cherished deeply by Lola Jessie just as it was by her granddaughter Wendy and Wendy's daughter Emmalee as it will be by baby Lola someday. I hope she also cherishes this photograph of her clutching it as a newborn. I do not know the complete story behind the handkerchief only that it belonged to Lola Jessie and will someday belong to Lola Jaymes which makes it just as precious. Lola Jessie lived a remarkable 97 years on this earth, her life spanning from the early 1900's to well after the millennium. I can only imagine what a wonderful woman she must have been, her greatness is evident in the way the family cherishes her memory. When the family looks at this photo they see and feel many things. They are reminded of Lola Jessie her strength and classiness as well as her feisty nature. In this image they feel these memories of Lola Jessie converge with the hope for Lola Jayme's future. I imagine the flood of emotions are reminiscent and beautiful yet hopeful. I was honored to capture this photograph for them and my hope is that it will be cherished by Lola Jayme's current family as well as the generations that will come after her.

Choosing an Heirloom

I've told you the story of the two Lolas born more than a century apart but still connected by generations of love in hopes that it will inspire you to include a heirloom or keepsake in your newborn session as well. Heirlooms come in many forms. The best heirloom to include is something simple yet meaningful. Clothing is often something passed down through generations, sometimes its a christening dress or a handmade bonnet. Maybe it's gathered a few minor tears or stains through the years, I wouldn't worry to deeply about this, most flaws wont show up and those that do can likely be removed. Baby blankets or other handmade items that were undoubtedly made with love are often incorporated into photos. Jewelry like Lola Jessie's locket or a pocket watch that's been passed down photograph beautifully. Cherished books like family bibles or journals can even be incorporated. Maybe you don't have an heirloom that's been passed down but something brand new that will be passed down. Future heirlooms would be great to add to your session and the generations to come will have the photograph to go with the heirloom. If your in Southeast Missouri or the surrounding area and have an item your thinking about including it in your session don't hesitate to message me and I will give you my honest opinion.

Lola Jaymes